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[RPG] BRP Mecha

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[RPG] BRP Mecha Empty [RPG] BRP Mecha

Mensaje por Dorsai Sáb Jul 20, 2013 9:44 pm

[RPG] BRP Mecha 115012

Basic Roleplaying
Enslaving aliens, mad scientists and cruel despots: the enemies of mankind are ready to launch their final assault. The only hope of survival for human civilization as we know it lies in its most advanced weapon: a brood of giant metal warriors clad in the toughest of metal alloys and wielding the most advanced energy weaponry that science ever conceived. Many lives, including those of your loved ones, were sacrificed to make the mechanical titans a reality. But even with all their might there is still something these machines lack: and that something is you, the human being who is brave and generous enough to pilot them. For only a pure heart can lead the steel warriors to victory.

Basic Roleplaying Mecha brings the Anime genre into the tradition of D100 roleplaying. By leveraging the simple yet realistic game system used for great roleplaying hits like Call of Cthulhu, this supplement allows you to recreate virtually all of the Japanese giant robot series.

As an anime fan, you are certainly aware of the difficulty of portraying “super robots” and “realistic robots” with the same ruleset. By arranging the equipment list by Mecha category and size and above all by providing different options for the flow of Fate that governs the advancement of your story, this supplement allows you to portray your combat machine either as a realistic weapon platform with a human pilot who makes the difference, or as an invincible giant metal superhero. BRP Mecha does it all: try it!

This book requires the Basic Roleplaying core ruleset, available from Chaosium Inc.

Gran Bibliotecario
Gran Bibliotecario

Mensajes : 1416
Fecha de inscripción : 15/04/2010
Edad : 49
Localización : Wired

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[RPG] BRP Mecha Empty Re: [RPG] BRP Mecha

Mensaje por silver09 Miér Jul 24, 2013 1:28 pm

Shocked A la bolsa, muchas gracias por ponerlo Dorsai.


Mensajes : 314
Fecha de inscripción : 18/09/2010

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[RPG] BRP Mecha Empty Re: [RPG] BRP Mecha

Mensaje por Endier1 Vie Jul 26, 2013 9:46 am

Tiene muy buena pinta, la verdad,
Very Happy 

Mensajes : 274
Fecha de inscripción : 15/06/2010

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[RPG] BRP Mecha Empty Re: [RPG] BRP Mecha

Mensaje por temuel Lun Jul 29, 2013 1:55 pm

Muchas gracias, parece un juego interesante.
Ayudante Bibliotecario
Ayudante Bibliotecario

Mensajes : 550
Fecha de inscripción : 17/05/2010

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[RPG] BRP Mecha Empty Re: [RPG] BRP Mecha

Mensaje por nomar tri Vie Ago 24, 2018 8:44 pm

Una temática siempre sugerente.

nomar tri

Mensajes : 14
Fecha de inscripción : 29/03/2012
Edad : 55

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[RPG] BRP Mecha Empty Re: [RPG] BRP Mecha

Mensaje por Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado

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